chapter 3
What is a good life?

What is a good life?

What is a good life?

Does living a green life mean we can’t have a good life? David and his family live in Surrey, British Columbia, in a neighbourhood they chose because they could live within walking distance of shops, services, and green spaces. David believes we stand to gain by dealing with climate change. That building a more sustainable, resilient society can mean a higher quality of life. If we could all meet our core needs more easily—for things like housing, food, transportation, decent jobs, and affordable child care—we could have the time to live a more powered down, less stressful life.

Learn & Act

Transition Towns

People in different parts of the world are talking about how to make the transition to sustainable, healthy communities in their local areas. Find out about events and groups near you.

Kids, parents, and climate

In this chapter David talks about how living a good, green life is a family affair. For more on this idea, here's a great conversation between Annie Leonard and Lisa Hoyos, co-founder of the organization Climate Parents.

The Future We Want

Climate change can be overwhelming to think about, and it's easy to focus only on the future we don't want. Here's a project that helps people imagine the future we do want.