chapter 2
Nobody’s perfect

Nobody’s perfect

Nobody’s perfect

When we think green, most of us start with our own daily lives, by re-thinking everyday choices about what we consume, and how we get around. Like Puneet – who makes a point of not using a car.  And Tanya – who volunteers with a school program that teaches kids about growing food. So what stops more of us from living our green values? Are there ways we could make it easier for all of us to live our green values?

Learn & Act

As featured: Growing Chefs

In this chapter, Tanya talks about her volunteer work with Growing Chefs – an urban agriculture program that gets kids excited about good, healthy food. Want to learn more, or become a volunteer yourself?

Scaling up green transportation

In this chapter, Puneet talks about why it's important to live in a community where the things you need are close by – and why he loves taking public transit. To learn more about how we build complete communities and green transportation options, check out this short video.

The Queen of Green

Want to lighten your environmental footprint? Get to know the David Suzuki Foundation's "Queen of Green" for tips, advice, how-to videos, and more.